Central Iowans have physical and mental well-being.

Health and Well-Being encompasses so many important and imperative aspects of our lives. Physical health, mental health, access to good and fresh food, access to quality healthcare, and more have a huge impact on our lives, and in central Iowa there are many who are lacking in some or all of these areas.

Key Indicators of Health & Well-Being

Medical Home

  • Percent of central Iowans that have at least one personal healthcare provider
  • EQUITY LENS: Percent of Iowans that have at least one personal healthcare provider by race; income level

Health Status

  • Percent of central Iowans who report having good to excellent overall health
  • EQUITY LENS: Percent of Iowans who report having good to excellent overall health by race; income level

Mental Health

  • Percent of central Iowans who report their mental health was not good 14+ days in the past month
  • EQUITY LENS: Percent of Iowans who report their mental health was not good 14+ days this past month by race; income level


  • Percent of central Iowa youth who report having a caring adult in their life
  • Engagement Score

The diverse populations listed above are examples where inequities/disparities/gaps have been identified within our community, and data is available at either the state or county level. United Way of Central Iowa recognizes inequities/disparities/gaps exist in multiple areas for many people in our community. If inequities/disparities/gaps can be demonstrated by our funded partners for additional populations, that data will be considered as well.


  • H&WB1: Reduce barriers to accessing regular, quality, culturally appropriate physical and mental health care (g. stigma, language, trust, cost, proximity, availability of workforce)
  • H&WB2: Promote and support central Iowans’ sense of purpose, belonging, and connectedness.
  • Advocacy: Policies and practices are implemented to improve Health and Well-Being systems and provide equitable access to central Iowans

Strategies and Examples of Performance Measures:

The Performance Measures (PM) below are potential measures of program outcomes. Programs may report Performance Measures on any targeted populations they serve, based on:

  • Race/ethnicity
  • Gender identity
  • Sexual orientation
  • Income level
  • Ability status
  • English Language Learners
  • Refugee status
  • Criminal background

H&WB1: Reduce barriers to accessing regular, quality, culturally appropriate physical and mental health care (e.g. stigma, language, trust, cost, proximity, availability of workforce)

  • PM: Number of people served
  • PM: Number of trainings provided to address barriers
  • PM: Total number of people trained to address barriers
  • PM: Number/percent of people who maintain/improve their physical health
  • PM: Number/percent of people who maintain/improve their mental health
  • PM: Number/percent of organizations who have changed practice, policy, service delivery to reduce barriers to one or more populations

H&WB2: Promote and support central Iowans’ sense of purpose, belonging, and connectedness.

  • PM: Total number of people served
  • PM: Number of purpose, belonging, connectedness activities offered
  • PM: Number of people who attended purpose, belonging, connectedness activities
  • PM: Number/percent of people who report an increased sense of purpose, belonging, connectedness
  • PM: Number/percent of people who report an increase in resiliency factors