The funds raised by United Way of Central Iowa are invested in local programs to address the very real challenges that people face in our community, which is why real people just like you help determine how those dollars are invested.

Investment decisions are made based on the advice and direction of community experts in the 5 Elements of a Thriving Community; Essential Needs, Early Childhood Success, Education Success, Economic Opportunity, and Health & Well-Being in central Iowa.

Union members, corporate donors, community leaders, individuals from philanthropic and community organizations and others carefully study each request for funding and support, and select the local programs that best align with our strategies and have the highest performance outcomes to propel us to our goals for our UNITED to THRIVE strategic focus.

With thousands of nonprofits in Polk, Warren and Dallas counties, identifying which programs align with our goals and strategies is no small task. Hundreds of volunteers along with our Community Impact Team spend hundreds of hours determining which programs best align with the UNITED to THRIVE strategies... and will create the most lasting impact in our community.

Each selected program receives not only funding, but advice and direction from the cabinet of local experts and access to resources and tools designed to help them be successful. Funded programs are also given specific measures and goals to achieve, and are evaluated each year based on their progress towards those goals. This helps to determine if funding will continue, increase, decrease or change in any way.

To view the programs currently receiving funds from United Way of Central Iowa, click View Funded Programs below.

View Funded Programs


Investment Process Resources 


Current Partner Investment Process Toolkit       Prospective Partner Investment Process Toolkit