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Financials & Documentation

United Way of Central Iowa's Core Values include Integrity, and that means we want to be transparent to ensure the community can easily review our policies and finances. The following information is reviewed and updated quarterly.
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Financial Highlights

Below you will find an overview of our financial activities for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2023. This information is designed to focus on current year activities and changes year-over-year. This overview should be read in conjunction with the financial statements below, as well as our audited financial statements.

Overall for fiscal year 2023, which ran July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023, United Way of Central Iowa (UWCI) had a strategic decrease in net assets - prior to other activity - of $1,967,714. The change year-over-year is $195,612. Please see below for drivers of such change.


  • Campaign Contributions-Net revenue decreased by $1,623,731 mainly due to changes in corporate partner giving.
  • Grants, Sponsorships, and Other Non-Campaign Contribution revenue decreased by $808,107 mainly due to the ending of grants.
  • Investment Income revenue increased by $375,599 due to increased interest rates and market fluctuations.
  • Other Revenue increased by $779,116 mainly due to the Employee Retention Tax Credit received by the organization.
  • In total, Total Revenue decreased by $901,128.


  • Community Investments and Services decreased by $792,058 due to reductions in overall revenue, campaign contributions and grants, which required realignment of all categories of expenses with revenue.
  • Administration and Fundraising decreased by $200,142 mainly due to spending restraint in salaries/benefits in response to decreased revenue and reductions in the required amount of United Way Worldwide membership dues.
  • In total, Total Expenses decreased by $1,096,740.

For additional information regarding UWCI’s financials, please see the link to our audited financial statements below.


Statement of Activities

Revenues Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2023* Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2022*
Campaign Contributions - gross $22,290,219 $23,944,210
Uncollectible Contributions Allowance (572,732) (602,992)
Contributions - net** 21,717,487 23,341,218
Grants, sponsorships, & other non-campaign contributions 2,451,279 2,883,391
Investment Income 273,920 (101,679)
Other 1,036,990 257,874
Total Revenue $26,380,804 $23,944,210
Expenses Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2023* Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2022*
Community Investments and Services $18,803,702 $19,595,760
Donor-Directed Contributions** 4,976,058 5,080,598
Administration and Fundraising 3,667,630 3,867,772
Total Expenses $27,447,390 $28,544,130
Change in Net Assets before Other Activity (1,967,714) (2,163,326)
Increase (Decrease) Restricted Grant, Sponsorships, & Other Non-Campaign Contributions 2,260,283 (86,269)
Increase/(Decrease) Endowment balance*** 498,051 (2,235,305)
Change in Net Assets after Other Activity $790,620 ($4,484,900)

* June 30, 2023 Financial Audit
* June 30, 2023 I.R.S. Form 990

** For audited financial reporting purposes donor-directed contributions are not included in expenses but are charged against contributions.

*** In audited financial reports new endowment contributions are a component of Grants, Sponsorships, and Other Non-Campaign Contributions. The total change in beneficial interest is a separate line in the revenue section of the Statement of Activities.

Statement of Financial Position

Assets Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2023* Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2022*
Cash and Investments $13,372,037 $15,556,334
Contributions Receivable 5,007,789 6,333,789
Other Receivables 336,145 23,341,218
Land, Buildings and Equipment 2,171,299 2,284,285
Other Assets 265,135 201,027
Endowments 13,237,388 12,739,337
Total Assets $37,990,353 $37,480,917
Liabilities Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2023* Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2022*
Payables to Agencies $759,728 $872,057
Other Payables 1,692,110 1,921,874
Refundable Advances 465,662 404,754
Total Liabilities $2,917,500 $3,198,685
Net Assets Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2023* Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2022*
Unrestricted - designated by governing board
- Land, building and Equipment $2,284,285 1,921,874
- Endowment funds 9,243,060 8,947,008
- United to Thrive Transition Funding 343,700 992,800
Unrestricted after designations 12,642,267 12,765,826
Total Unrestricted $24,400,326 $24,989,919
Temporarily Restricted 7,050,980 5,696,838
Permanently Restricted 3,621,547 3,595,475
Total Net Assets $35,072,853 $34,282,232
Total Liabilities and Net Assets $37,480,917 $34,282,232

* June 30, 2023 Financial Audit
* June 30, 2023 I.R.S. Form 990

** To provide financial stability for the organization, the governing board established a guideline range for unrestricted net assets after designation. The range is based on three to six months of budgeted program and operating expenses for the next fiscal year. For 2022 the range was approximately $5,854,000 to $11,709,000. For 2023 the range was approximately $5,761,000 to $11,522,000.