Andy TeBockhorst

Andy TeBockhorst

Andy TeBockhorst is the co-owner of Headlight Strategies, LLC and former Chief Strategic Communications Officer for United Way of Central Iowa.

Recent Posts

Apr 26, 2021 7:00:00 AM

Fighting Hunger One Box at a Time

Access to fresh, affordable, healthy foods is a key indicator of Health & Well-Being (one of the Five Elements of a Thriving Community.) According to Feeding America, people who live in rural areas often face hunger at higher rates than people who live in urban areas. Living in a rural community comes with unique challenges, including lack of transportation when the nearest grocery store is at a greater distance than one mile and the nearest food pantry or food bank is potentially hours away. In rural areas, job opportunities are more concentrated in low-wage industries and see higher rates of unemployment and underemployment. In urban areas, the food deserts exist in areas with higher populations of families with low-income.

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