Deb Bremser volunteers to read with four-year-old students at two child care centers during the school year. Here she shares her Book Buddy experience:

When Isaac and I first started reading together as Book Buddies, he didn’t enjoy the experience. 

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Deb Bremser reads with her Book Buddy student Xassas. 

A few times we didn’t even get through the whole book before he would ask, “Can we be done?" He definitely wasn’t interested in any of the learning prompts we were given! To keep him occupied, I started asking him all sorts of questions, and I learned that his favorite cartoon is PJ Masks. Like many kids his age, he could recite the entire plot of the last episode he saw.

I found a PJ Masks paperback online for $2, and I purchased it to donate to the classroom. After we read our assigned book the next week, I took out the PJ Masks book. When we opened it to the first page, Isaac recognized the pictures from the television episode and promptly told me the whole story. I like to think that was the moment he realized that there are endless books out there, and you can always find one about something you are interested in!

Topics: Volunteer

Sarah Welch

Written by Sarah Welch

Sarah Welch is the former Strategic Communications Officer at United Way of Central Iowa.