United Way of Central Iowa invites all members of our community within Polk, Dallas, and Warren Counites to its upcoming Beyond 2020 Virtual Townhall Meetings to help shape the focus of its future mission.

During the sessions, members of the public will be asked to provide perspective, feedback, and insight on priority issues and challenges United Way of Central Iowa should tackle as part of our mission focus Beyond 2020.

For over a decade, United Way of Central Iowa’s mission focus has been guided by the Community Goals for 2020, established to form a clear target for our work in the areas of education, income, and health. The funds raised, strategies implemented, and support provided by United Way is driven toward these bold goals and outcomes for our community. United Way will be measuring our impact on these goals throughout the remainder 2020 and report final accomplishments at our LIVE UNITED event next spring.

Starting January 2021, United Way will still lie within the realm of health and human services, and leverage our strength in the areas of education, financial stability, health, and essential needs by taking on current issues important to our community. But our priorities, strategies, and investments will look different as we work to tackle the greatest disparities in our community.

Be a part of improving our future. Help United Way of Central Iowa determine what the most challenging priorities will be that will shape our focus Beyond 2020. Along with your participation in these events, United Way’s priorities will be informed by community data along with key stakeholder, partner, and community voices. Register for one of the Beyond 2020 Virtual Townhall Meetings at unitedwaydm.org/beyond-2020-town-hall-meetings.

Share your voice with us.

Take this short survey to provide your feedback on our future mission focus and help identify issues in our community on which we should focus our attention and resources. Anyone in central Iowa is invited to take the survey, so share with your family, friends, and network. You do not need to attend the townhall to complete the survey.Thank you for helping to shape the future of United Way of Central Iowa!


Topics: Beyond 2020

Renee Miller

Written by Renee Miller

Renee Miller is a former Chief Community Impact Officer of United Way of Central Iowa.