Free, trusted, professionally curated information and human services referral service that helps Iowans find the help they need 24/7/365.

To access the 211 service, users may dial 211, text your ZIP code to 898211, use our
online chat system to interact with a live person, visit our 211 website at, or use the 211 Iowa App on a smartphone to access the complete database of services available. 

211 Iowa Website    211 Iowa App    Chat Online with 211



When anyone needs help, a trained professional can clarify the situation
and determine the best local options using an extensive, up-to-date database.



Residents can receive help 24 hours, seven days a week by phone, text message, or website. A language line translates 150 languages.


Top caller needs

Tax preparation assistance, disaster-related debris removal, rent payment assistance, utility payment assistance, holiday program, homeless shelters, food pantries, family crisis shelter, low-income/subsidized private rental housing, and disaster relief services


211's Impact

"211 was there for me at a time when I thought I had nowhere else to go. I called multiple places in search of food, all leaving me feeling frustrated. Someone suggested I call 211, and in doing so all my feelings of frustration were solved. The 211 representative was very compassionate and provided me with expert knowledge on how I could get in contact with Meals on Wheels – I finally wasn’t worrying about if I was going to have access to a hot meal every day. I cannot express my gratitude enough to the employees at 211, you can tell they genuinely want to provide their callers with help and will stop at nothing to do so."

211 Caller from Lucas County

“People need 211. It could be your co-worker, your own child. It could be you. Just know there’s a place that can help.”


Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a cost for dialing 211?

Calling 211 from a landline is free. Most cell phone carriers have made 211 calling available to their customers. Organizations and hospitals have to incorporate 211 into their phone system.


Who is listed in the 211 Iowa Database?

To be listed, nonprofits and government agencies must meet set criteria, and provide free or subsidized health and human services to Iowa residents. For-profit organizations providing a unique service may be included.


What if a caller doesn’t speak English?

211 call centers have access to a Language Line that provides interpretation services in 170+ languages at any time.


Will the call be confidential?

All information provided is confidential. A call specialist will ask for a ZIP code to locate services closest to the home of the person seeking help. The specialist may ask for additional information, but a caller is never required to share identifying information.


Can I access 211 anywhere?

211 is available nationwide. Visit and search by ZIP code, city, or state. Or call 211 and ask your local representative to find the number for 211 in another area. In Iowa, visit or text your ZIP code to 898211.