What is the challenge?

The 21-Day Equity Challenge is a powerful opportunity for shared learning, action, and growth. Central Iowans are invited to develop a deeper understanding of how inequity and racism affect our lives and our community.

The self-guided learning journey examines the history and impact of racism, and how it has shaped people’s lives. The experience deepens understanding and helps launch what we hope will be a lifelong commitment to improving equity and inclusion. 

  • Thousands of central Iowans have signed up to participate online.
  • Participants can start their journey at any time by signing up on our home page
  • Each day for 21 days participants will receive a daily email with readings, videos, podcasts, and ways participants can take action!
  • Anyone can participate, and learning can be  individual or in groups. Discussion guides are available.
  • Participation is free. All you need is email.


  • Sign up to take the challenge.
  • You will receive your first email within one hour, and a new email each day for the following 21 days.
  • Each day's message will have information, links to articles, videos, and more about a specific topic. The challenge is to spend a few minutes each day learning and getting a better understanding of the equity issues we face in central Iowa.
  • You can participate solo, or form a small group and discuss each day's topic. We will provide discussion guides and other resources throughout the challenge to help facilitate.
  • At the end of the challenge, we will present you with ideas on actions you can take to help improve equity issues in our community.


dr-eddie-moore-jrThe 21-Day Equity Challenge was not created in central Iowa, but it does have Iowa roots! It was created by Dr. Eddie Moore, Jr. Director of the Privilege Institute in Green Bay, WI.

He received his Ph.D. in Educational Policy and Leadership Studies at the University of Iowa. Under his direction, his White Privilege Conference has become one of the top national and international conferences for participants who want to move beyond dialogue and into action around issues of diversity, power, privilege, and leadership.

Dr. Moore designed the challenge to not only help people better understand the issues surrounding equity and inclusion, but to do so in a way that would build a long-lasting habit of learning by stretching it over 21 days. 

The challenge was first implemented in 2014 by Food Solutions New England in Durham, NH. The organization is "a regional, six-state network that unites the food system community around a shared set of values – democratic empowerment, racial equity and dignity for all, sustainability, and trust – and strengthens the movement’s ability to achieve New England Food Vision goals."

United Way of Washtenaw County in Ann Arbor, MI introduced the challenge into the United Way network, and now United Way of Central Iowa is picking up the torch and bringing it to our community.